Vacation's are amazing. Well, except for the week before you go and the week after you get back. The week you're actually there is amazing. We just returned from a wonderful vacay with my family in Panama City Beach, FL. The week before we left was crazyyyy busy. I was filling orders, trying to pack up our entire house to take with us, getting the house cleaned (I like to come home to a clean house...weird huh?!), paying bills, etc. etc. The week after was just as crazy...trying to get back into our routine, embroidering some more, cleaning my nasty house (yep, it got that dirty in just a few days lol) and etc. etc. BUT it was worth EVERY BIT of it!
My precious lil family! Love my boys :)) |
Sweet dolphin swimming right near us! |
The sweetest, funniest and cutest kiddos! |
We were blessed to have beautiful weather all week. We stayed at Splash, which is a super kid friendly resort. They have a fun waterpark and frog pad for the kids and a few different pools and lazy river. We all enjoyed it! There were a few evenings that we just stayed out on the beach and let the kids play. I realized I had not done that in years. We didn't take showers or rush to get ready and go out to eat, we just fixed us a quick bite for dinner and played. We made some fun memories that I'll never forget! The kiddos enjoyed riding rides, eating junk food and jumping in the bounce houses at Pier Park. We rented a pontoon boat one day and went over to an amazing little island. We snorkeled, went swimming in the perfect aqua water and even saw a dolphin right near us. It was such a fun, fun day! Trevor and I enjoyed a nice momma/daddy date night one evening. And we all enjoyed some delish seafood one night. Having that whole crew go out to eat was fun times let me tell you. Thankfully we could sit outside so Tanner and his little cousin could play under the tables and act crazy. =) Oh and I forgot to mention, I indulged in a great mystery book while we were there. I just LOVE reading at the beach. Tanner would nap and I would read. Gosh, I sound super old. I'm not even 30 yet, but that was some good stuff. Needless to say, we all got lots of rest, sunshine, food and best of time!
Two kids hiding under a table = quiet time for the parents lol :)) |
Snorkeling with her daddy :) |
My Family! |
Now that we're home and quickly slapped back into reality, I'm back to the grind of every day life. My little life that I love so much! Since I'm not good at keeping baby books/scrapbooks of Tanner, this is where I'm gonna keep that important info. A few new things about my main squeeze...
Tanner's obsessions:
When he was about 14-16 months old he fell in love with Mickey Mouse. He loved the hot dog dance, the whole crew and had to have every thing Mickey (or at least we thought he did). He was even Mickey for Halloween last year.
When he was about 20-22 months old he discovered choo choo trains. He then discovered Thomas the Train. We had to buy train tracks, millions of trains that never stopped running and Thomas pj's. He's still slightly obsessed.
His latest obsession is Toy Story. Thanks to my mom for buying him the DVD...thanks to Trevor for playing it for the first time on our long ride to FL...thanks to Pop & Cha Cha for buying him all of the figurines...and thanks to myself for buying him a Woody shirt. It's safe to say, all he talks about now is Toy Story, Woody and Buzz. It's adorable. I hope he keeps this obsession up till Halloween...he would be super cute as Woody this year :))
Bathtub fun!! He's totally into bubble bath's right now...he asks to take one every night as he politely brings me the biggg thing of bubbles. Sometimes he'll turn the water on too. How sweet of him lol! |
His latest favorite words are mine, no and uh-huh. All used in correct term, might I add. These words totally go with his new two year old personality he's below for more info.
He is putting sentences together a lot now. He asked me the other night, 'Mom, I want more turkey'. Heck yeah buddy, I'll be glad to give you some if you keep rolling out sentences like that!
Selfie on mom's phone :)) |
He is really talking about the potty here lately. We haven't had a successful go 'round yet, but we're getting closer. I've had to come to the realization that all kids potty train at their own pace (and I reverted back to my post of not comparing him to other children). Not all of them go once they hit two...they're all different! But once he does grasp the concept, I"m taking 3 days and we're gonna camp out at home and use the potty every 30 minutes. I'm dead serious. I'm sick of diapers (and so is my wallet)!!!!
He's been going to Mother's Day Out two days a week this summer and he LOVES it! It's more like a fun summer camp. I've been very impressed with his behavior and how he just walks right into his class and gives me an air kiss. I picked him up today and he was sitting in the floor eating a sucker and listening to his teacher read. Mind you, he doesn't sit long anywhere or anytime. I was shocked! And SUPER proud :))
He is becoming more and more head strong every day. It's scary. For real. He will tell you what he wants and when he wants it. He's getting a little attitude here lately. I'm not sure how we're gonna cope with the trying three's if we can't get past these terrible two's. I guess he's just coming into his own (at least that's what I keep telling myself).
The Monday after vacay we had the beach blues so we went to Chick-fil-A to play and have an ice cream. This lil stinker wasn't ready to go home! |
On the flip side, he is a VERY loving child. He gives me kisses out of the blue and talks about his daddy all of the time when he's at work. He loves to give hugs and gives the sweetest air kisses. He's got a little heart of gold, just like his mom lol =)
Eating ice cream at Pop and Cha's restaurant. Their's is the best :)) |
I guess that about wraps it up! A lot of goodness thrown into one post. I like it! I hope ya'll are having an amazing summer so far!! We get to go to the beach again with Trevor's family in September (Family Vacay #2) and we're all looking forward to it! I love the beach and I love spending time and making memories with our families! Until next time...