16 years is a long time. I think back 16 years and remember patiently waiting for the arrival of my brother. I was no longer going to be the baby of the family; now I was going to have a real life baby that I could play with whenever I wanted! My mom allowed me to even pick out his name...what an honor. Jarrett...you can thank me for your awesome name =) Having a brother so much younger was awesome. A few reasons why:
1. He was amazing birth control for the future.
2. I could play dress up with him any time I wanted.
3. He was a great distraction...whenever I was getting in trouble, I'd just throw the attention on him. Worked a lot :)
4. Whenever I was bored, he'd play...any time, any where.
Seriously, he was amazing. Actually, he still is amazing. I was 13 when he was born...I felt like such a grown up once he came into this world. I'd change diapers, feed him, the whole works. Fast forward 16 years and he's an uncle to my little one and doesn't do one of those things lol! Where's the love Jarrieta?! :))

Today on his special sweet (guess I should say manly) 16th birthday, I just wanted to take a minute out of my busy day to tell this incredible young man HAPPY BIRTHDAY! From the moment I laid eyes on you, you were my best friend (whether you knew it or not). And now, you're still my best friend. I'm so, so, blessed to have you in my life. Believe it or not, you've taught me a lot. Your greatest attribute is your big heart. I love that you love everyone. You don't like when people are stuck up or make fun of others. You don't like when others think they're better than you. You are always willing to be that friend to someone that no one else notices. You are an exceptionally loved person. You're quiet demeanor is awesome (until you get cray cray). Your wise jokes go along well with that quietness...meaning you're one funny guy. You love the Lord. You care...something a lot of teenagers don't do. You can be respectful most of the time. (And lazy a lot of times too hehe). You were cute as a button when you were born (Tanner looks a lot like you) and you're handsome as can be now. I'm proud. I'm so darn proud of you that I could burst. I'm thankful. Thankful for our relationship and thankful you're MY itty bitty brother. And so thankful that Tanner has one heck of an awesome uncle!

So here we are 16 years later. You have your drivers license, a car and you're in the 10th grade. Whew...where did those 16 years go?! If there's one piece of advice I could give you (I know, I know...that's all I ever do is give you advice) it would be to cling to the Lord and ask Him for guidance each and every day. Know that I pray for you daily. For you to continue your walk with Him and to make the best choices possible. These next few years will be the toughest of your life, but you'll make it through just fine. We are always here for you every step of the way. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. I know you're going to make me even more proud (if that's even possible).
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Jarreita!!!!
Happy birthday to you!
Trevor, Tanner and I love you to the moon and back! Can't wait to make even more memories with you my crazy little bubba! Happy 16th :)