I had an abolsutely wonderful and amazing birthday!! Thank you all again for the happy birthday wishes! Turning 29 wasn't so bad =) I celebrated this weekend with some of my sweet friends at Larkin's on the River. The food was delish and the company was perfect.
My childhood best friend! We have shared many birthday's together and I can't wait to share 29 more! |
Some of my fabulous friends I have in my life! |
Ahhhmazing. I'm hungry just looking at this pic again. |
She first became my neighbor, but then became my best friend. Love her to pieces. |
My love. My sweet hubby. |
Love her!! |
Fun times with this sweet chic!
I enjoyed the rest of the weekend hanging out with my family. Now that we're settled in our new house/town and have found a church we really love, we've seemed to get our Sunday funday family day back in action. We go to church, grab lunch, let Tanner take a nap and then spend just good ole quality time with each other the rest of the afternoon. May sound boring to some, but this momma LOVES it!
Sunday lunch after church... |
He actually does really good at this restaurant. Why you ask?
Because it's a buffet...see below paragraph =) |
He likes to wear these shoes that flop on his feet when he walks. Thankfully he didn't mind changing them for church. This pic makes me smile. |
Last night Trevor, Tanner and I went out to eat for my birthday. Lets just say we should have ordered take out like we normally do. Remember that I have an almost 2 year old? Yeah, well he doesn't love restaurants unless it's a buffet so he can eat right when we get there. We're still working on that. Nonetheless, I enjoyed dinner with my wild child and hubs! The chocolate cheesecake Trevor brought home for me made up for the craziness we dealt with on our adventure out to eat.
Tanner and I had a lunch date today with my Granny, aunt and cousin. I was prepared after last nights fiasco. And I mean more prepared than normal. We went to a German restaurant and I knew that there wasn't anything he'd eat. I packed a pb&j (because it takes him forever to eat it) and his favorite fruit thingy. And lots of snacks and toys. He did amazing for the first 40 minutes. After all of the food was gone and he had played enough, he was over it and ready to go. I was proud though. Most children his age don't care for high chairs for an hour, much less 30 minutes. So it was a score for this momma and I enjoyed every bite of my delicious lunch and time with my family!
When I said playing in the paragraph above, I meant he actually played with my aunts mints out of her purse. And then went and hid behind that table in the back with his truck. Thankfully I kept him contained until other customers came in. Then it was time to go to the car...asap. |
Hope ya'll are enjoying your Tuesday! I'll have some yummy recipes to share soon! I'm off to work on another small crafty project while my child is out like a light. Until next time...
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