Happy Monday! I can't believe the weekend flew by so quickly and I can't believe March is already here! We had a low key weekend with lots of family time...which is always nice! We had our normal Sunday family day. Tanner wasn't so excited about leaving the house for church. Maybe because that crazy boy was up at 6:30 throwing Mr. Bear out of his crib and cried till I went and got him. But we still went and I'm thankful. Sunday night Trevor's parents came by and Tanner answered the door and let them in. Gosh, when did he get so big?! He always has a blast with his Pop and Cha Cha! And I'm pretty sure he wears them slap out with the loads of energy that he has.
My two loves! |
Cranky, tired boy. But he had fun at church, like always. Momma knows best :) |
Sunday night sporting Pop's hat and eating snacks. |
No caption needed =) |
He didn't want to give that hat back and he didn't want them to leave either! |
I wanted to give ya'll a follow up on my random act of kindness in honor of Coach Snipes from Friday's post. The lady that God put on my heart lives in my hometown and visits the store that I work at a few times a week. She has a sweet spirit about her, though she may not have much. I went and bought her groceries and a gift card to Hamrick's (a store I know she likes) before I went into work Saturday morning. I went by her house but she wasn't there and I left a note telling her to drop by the store when she could. She stopped by shortly thereafter. I told her about Coach Snipes and the FB page that had been created in his honor. I went on to tell her that God had put her on my heart and that I bought her groceries and a gift card so that she could buy herself an Easter dress to wear to church. Through her tear filled eyes she told me that I was an angel. She said she asked God to help her get out of bed today, but had no idea He would send this for her. She just couldn't get over the fact that someone else took time to think about her and provide stuff that she really needed. She was so very excited, which made my heart fill so full. She wanted to know who to send a thank you note to, but instead I told her to pay it forward...which she said she was surely going to do.
It takes just a moment to brighten someone else's day. It doesn't have to be with material goods, but even with just a note, a sweet word or a helping hand. I will strive to be more kind and helpful to others. I'm proud to be from an amazing small town and have went to a high school where one teacher made such an impact on our community. I'm so very proud. And I'm honored to have known this incredible man and teacher. I hope that we can all pay it forward and share our kindness with those who need it the most, just like Coach Snipes always did.
Tanner and I are off to Georgia tomorrow to celebrate my nieces second birthday with her! I'm so super excited to see my family and my old friends. And eat some amazing bbq from the Pink Pig. It's the best eva! Hope ya'll enjoy your week! Until next time...
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