Wow! It's been over a month since I've posted anything in my sweet lil blog. Life has been crazy here lately. Crazy with all kinds of things that have just kept me super busy. Some good, some bad but nevertheless I'm still counting my blessings and thanking God for all He does for me and my family. So there you have it. Sometimes life just gets in the way, but I'm glad to be back (for a hot second). Lol! I know it'll be even crazier over the next few weeks.
Gosh, I've got a lot to catch up on. Really a lot of Tanner stuff to catch up on. He is a funny lil character. His personality just blossoms a little more each day. I'm in love, oh so in love with that sweet boy. Here are a few of the 'new' things about Mr. Tan man:
- He is repetitive. You read that right...he repeats things a million stinkin times. Sometimes it's hilarious and other times it'll drive you bananas. I googled it the other day because I got slightly worried and a lot of the things I read said that repetition is a way of learning. I think
he just does it to drive us crazy. He told Trevor and I the other day that he fell down at school. And he kept telling us. And he kept telling us. Okay, you get the point. He really said it like 20 times until we said, "You fell down at school, Tanner?" and his reply way "uh huh". And that was the end of it. As long as you reaffirm what he's saying, he'll stop. Teacher friends...why do they do this?? Surely ya'll know?! Again, it's pretty hilarious 94% of the time. The other 6%...well, enough said above.
Stinker. |
- He is pee peeing in the potty a lot! It started about 4 weeks ago and he randomly went and my Mama's house. I kept asking him if he needed to go after that and he just kept going. We've not mastered the potty, but we've started. Woo hoo!!! He gets so caught up in playing that he doesn't want to stop and go. We're gonna have to work on that. He got really excited in the beginning because we made a potty board and put it on the fridge. Any time he went he'd get to put a sticker on it. That's kinda not cool anymore, so I'm movin on to candy. That's right...bribery. You pee pee, you get some m&m's. He'll probably laugh at me because one m&m won't cut it for piglet, but we'll see. Anywho, Trevor and I are super proud. Tanner just gets sooo excited and says in his cutest voice, "I pee peed momma/daddy"...and then we do the potty dance, we jump up and down, we give high five's and he runs around the house half naked. It's fun times ya'll! =)
The Potty Board!! :)) It's actual wayyy full now! |
- He's grown ears of gold. Or maybe he just actually listens more. Well, he doesn't really always listen when we tell him 'no' or 'stop', but he does listen to what comes out of our mouths. The old saying, lead by example...well, it's in full effect. Thank goodness we don't sling around bad words in our house, otherwise we'd be in trouble with our 2 year old. Trevor said the other night 'gah' and then I said "gahhly bum" (I know, who says those things lol?). Tanner fell off the couch (it didn't hurt him, whew) and he looked up with this funny expression and said 'gah lay'. We just laughed. Lead by motto for me. That little boy picks up everything now!
Crazy curly haired child. Sadly, he's going to get his first trim in the next week or so. The curls will hopefully stay?! I'm already sad. |
- His Toy Story obsession is still in full blast. He's fell back in love with his trains also. I set his tracks up in his room because they were taking over my living room. He's always just played downstairs, but now he likes to hang out in his room. He'll yell and ask me to bring him a snack or his water. Really?! It's likes he's 10 years old or something. It's crazy how fast he's growing. He's veryyyy independent and prefers to do things on his own. I'm game with that. Whatever floats your boat little monkey.
Tanner/Andy and Woody chattin with daddy. |
Other than that, we've been hanging out. He's had a two week break from school and starts back up next week. I think he's really missed his friends. He talks about school a lot, so I'm hoping he'll have just as much fun this fall as he did over the summer. As for me, I'm going to miss that little munchin for the 4 hours he's gone two days a week. At times I feel super guilty for sending him to school (I know I've talked about that in past posts), but I've come to the realization that it's good for him. It's like a mini vacay for him to be away from me and hang out with his buddies. I've come to terms and I'm dealing with it =) He loves going and I love that he loves going. And not to mention, I can really knock out some embroidery work during those quiet 4 hours.
This is what we do on Friday nights...hang out in super short beach chairs (the kind you put at the edge of the water) in our driveway. Lol...he loves it, so I do too :)) |
Daddy, Tanner and Pop putting together a train puzzle. Okay, maybe Tanner's just supervising. |
I haven't had much time to decorate or be crafty. But I did finish up my side of the closet a while back. I've still got to hang some curtains and re-do Trevor's side, but that's seriously a work in progress. I bought this white organizer thing from Target a while back. I used it in my craft room and then moved it to my closet. I bought these really large baskets from Bed, Bath & Beyond and they fit in the organizer thing really well. I finally bid farewell to the shoe boxes and put them in the baskets according to wedges, flats, flip flops, etc. I used two of the leftover baskets for swimsuits, belts, etc. It's worked out perfectly! I feel organized and our closet stays clean most of the time.
This is the wire organizer thing I bought from Target and those huge baskets are awesome! |
I got this little organizer from Wal-Mart, I believe. It just velcro's up top and is perfect to hold shorts in the summer and sweaters in the winter. |
I hope ya'll had a great summer! Schools back in session and football is on the way. I've got an itch for cooler weather, pumpkin candles, fall decorations, Halloween costumes and GAMECOCK football :)) Fall/Winter is my favorite time of the year...I'm ready, oh so ready for it to get here! Enjoy your day! Until next time (which is hopefully not another month away)...
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