One more year till 30 hits…wow! 29 years ago today my
wonderful mom gave birth to me {thanks momma}! As I reflect on the past 29
years, there are many happy, emotional, sad, thankful and blessed moments that
I’ve experienced in my life. I just want to take a moment to remember some of those
sweet moments…
Giving my life to Jesus…I am a sinner saved by grace.
Walking down the isle in my hometown church 7 years ago
and saying ‘I do’ to the man of my dreams.
Giving birth to my precious baby boy almost 2 years ago.
This memory tops the charts. Being a mom is the most amazing gift I’ve ever
Saying goodbye to my daddy after a long battle with
cancer. One of the hardest times of my life, but it made an almost 16 year old
way stronger than she could have ever imagined. If you still have your dad, hug
him tight.
Buying our first house as a married couple and
purchasing our second beautiful home this past September.
Graduating from college…most proud, stressful,
encouraging and hardest time of my life.
Working at a company with the best co-workers ever for
8 great years. I made the best friends there and am thankful for the many
things I learned while I had an official day job.
Thankful that my job now is taking care of Tanner.
Never in a million years did I think I’d be so blessed to stay at home with
him. Trusting God and praying…it works people!
Having my mom as my best friend…she’s one in a million.
Family – I have some of the most amazing family
members. I’m blessed in this department.
Summers going to the lake with my Mama and Papa when I
was younger. My bffeih, Elizabeth,
would come with us and we would spend all summer together. Kinda wish I was
young again and could do it all over again.
Taking home our sweet fur baby 6 years ago. I never
knew the love a dog could bring to your life until we rescued Maggie. She was
quickly taken from us 8 months ago and I still miss and think about her every
day. Losing her was one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through. I truly
believe I’ll see her again one day though and that will be such a sweet day.
The birth of my baby brother 15 years ago. He makes me
Friends – it’s not about quantity, but quality. I have
some pretty amazing people that I call friends in my life. So thankful.
Getting to enjoy my favorite hobby ~ embroidering!
Receiving a call a little over a year ago that my Papa
had passed away unexpectedly. One of the saddest days of my life. He told me
all of the time that he was ready to go whenever the good Lord called him home.
What an inspiration and blessing he was in my life.
Holidays spent with my family and friends. I have the
best childhood memories with my mom, dad and brother at Christmas time and
Easter. Memories that I’ll treasure forever.
Many countless fights I’ve had with my older brother
growing up. After many years, I’ve finally realized he’s one amazing man and
daddy to his girls. I am proud to call him my brother.
Moving to Georgia when I was in the 3rd
grade. I was scared to death to make new friends and move to a different state.
Thankful that I still call a lot of those GA peeps my friends/family.
Moving back home to SC my 10th grade year of
high school. That was scarier than moving to GA. I reconnected with a lot of
old friends and made new ones. High school is so awkward, but it was a fun
ride. Definitely wouldn’t want to go back lol =)
Opening Cotton Blossom Boutique with my best friend,
Casey. I have so many amazing memories with her and this one tops the list!
Yearly vacations with my family…one tradition that I
never want to miss.
Growing up in church, Sunday lunch at my Mama’s, church
camp, revival, Wednesday night services, VBS. Thankful that I grew up learning
about the Lord and what it means to be a servant for Him.
Those are just a few of the memories I have over my 29 years
of living. While some may be sad and others are happy, they all have meaning in
my life and have helped to mold me into the woman I am today. I am in the
happiest place ever. I love my family, my friends, my drama free life, my job,
my home, and most importantly my God. If you want to see just how blessed you
are, write it down and reflect. It’s good for the soul. As 30 approaches in
another short year, I say bring it on! I’m ready! Cheers to 29 and counting!
Me & Elizabeth...bring on the boa and glasses! 29th birthday celebration at its finest!
My birthday has been wonderful so far! I received a sweet kiss and 'happy birthday' from my hubby as he was leaving super early for work this morning. Tanner gave me a hug and a nice slap in the face because he was so excited that it was my birthday. My momma called me shortly after I woke up to give me her wishes. I then received a call from Casey and her two sweet angels, who sang happy birthday May May Magan to me. I got to see my in-laws who gave me a sweet gift and wished me happy birthday. And then my amazing little brother called (he's on his way home from a youth retreat) and the whole youth group sang to me. What could be better?! I feel so loved, not by gifts but by calls, texts, Facebook messages and just plain love that others display to me. Thank ya'll so much!!!
I'll update on the amazing weekend I had tomorrow! I'm off to enjoy my birthday by being absolutely lazy until the wild man wakes up from his nap! Hope ya'll have a great Monday! Until next time...