Thursday, January 31, 2013

A little bit of everything...

So I love fashion. True statement. I love being trendy and I love shopping. I was always afraid that I’d get in a ‘mom’ rut once I became a mom. Let’s just be honest here. I stay at home with Tanner the majority of the week; therefore I don’t look so hot. I’ll be glad to admit that. But when I do go out of the house, I feel that I put more effort into my outfits now that I am a mom. Crazy weird, I know. I’m assuming it’s because I don’t have to dress up for work everyday like I used to and when I actually go somewhere it gives me an excuse to dress cute.
I wasn't lying about being a hot mess. Here's my mom outfit. Workout type pants (I need to put these to good use and actually workout), a long sleeve tee and rainbow flops on this particular day bc I was cleaning the house. Beautiful, huh?! 
I’m not saying I want to wear heels and dressy clothes. I’m talking casual here. As you can see below, I mean casual for real. {Please excuse the quality of photos. I don't have a professional photographer at my house, besides an almost 2 year old. But hopefully you'll get the drift}
I wore this out for errands the other Saturday. Easy peasy. Blurry quick child was demanding I go dance with him.
The whole shabang...skinnes from New York & Co. (their jeans fit me so well), boots -Target, plaid shirt - Old Navy,  pull over - Old Navy and monogrammed by myself. Throw on a cute simple necklace (I paired it with my new Tanner necklace I got for Christmas), I added pearls and a cute ring. And there ya go.
The best part about this outfit is that it was not expensive! I'm on a mom budget...enough said. I scored with this pull over the day after Thanksgiving at Old Navy. It's so easy to add a touch of cuteness to clothing with just a simple monogram. 
In other news, today marks the day that two more very special people in my life were born. {I told ya’ll there were a lot of January birthdays of those that I love the most}. My step-dad, Mike, is one of those people. He is a God send to our family. He has so many amazing qualities: crafty/painter/builder man that helps me with a ton of my many projects {you’ll here more about him once we finish a few of those projects}, he gives great advice and is one special Poppi to Tanner {who spoils him way too much}. We love him and I’m so glad he’s my second dad. I wouldn’t trade him for the world.

Christmas time :)
Ice cream with Poppi =)
My favorite. He loves his Poppi!

The girl that I reference as my bffeih {best friends forever even in Heaven}, yea we made that up when we were like 8, her name is Elizabeth and she is simply wonderful. She is one of those friends who have been by my side since I pulled her hair and stole her toy when we were two years old in the church nursery. She’s never left my side since. All friends have issues and arguments, but no matter what she’s still by my side through it all. I love her dearly and am truly blessed to call her my very best friend. Happy 29th to YOU my amazing friend Lizerbeth!

Yep, that's us in the back whispering about someone.  I'm on the right in the strawberry dress and she's in the pink number on the left. Wayyy back in 4k =)
Glorious high school days...9th grade with my bffeih.
Maid of honor at my wedding 
Just a few weeks ago celebrating my mom's birthday. We sure have come a long way  lol!
Happy birthday to both of ya'll! I hope your day is amazing and both deserve it!

Totally switching gears...I found out last night that a precious soul passed away yesterday. She was very dear friends with my bff Casey’s family. I had only met her a few times and the times I did, she was a sweetheart. She was so young, only 24, but God called her home after a car accident yesterday afternoon. It got me thinking. A lot. Since I’ve had Tanner those thoughts about me passing have crossed my mind quite a bit. Casey says it’s because we’re moms and that’s what we do, we ponder, we worry and we want the best for our children. But the thing about it is, is that we shouldn’t be so concerned as to when our last breath on this earth will be but we should be concerned about where we'll spend eternity. I’m thankful, as I’ve said before, I’m a sinner saved by grace. I will spend eternity with my Heavenly Father. I want this blog to be about many things, especially expressing my feelings. I can’t get that sweet girl that I didn’t even really know out of my head today. But I pray that her family and friends can find peace and comfort in the Lord. I hope that all of you my dear readers and friends will enjoy every second you have here with your loved ones. Soak up every second you have on this earth. Love on those that mean the most to you. Work hard and accomplish all that you've ever dreamed of. And be prepared, as you never know when your last breath will be. 

Sorry for the sad part at the end, but that’s what blogs are all about right?! Expressing yourself. I hope ya’ll didn’t cringe at my hot mess of an outfit that I call my daily attire =) Moms rock by the way {lol}. I made another delicious pinterest recipe last night. Can’t wait to share it soon! Enjoy the rest of your day…it’s almost the weekend. Woop, woop!  Until next time...


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Dog's Purpose

You know those forward emails you get? I used to get a lot of those when I worked a 9-5 job, but now I don't seem to get them any more. I did today though. My sweet sister-in-law sent me a forward titled, "A Dog's Purpose". She knows that's fitting for me because she knew how much I loved my sweet Maggie. Anywho, I read it today and simply cried. I don't find myself crying that be honest I can't remember the last time I've cried. But today, I did.

My last Mother's Day I spent with my fur baby. Sweet memories!
It's crazy to some people to think a dog can bring so much happiness to a family. Trust me, I used to be one of those people. My perspective changed dramatically when we rescued Maggie. I became her mom and she was my fur child. She really loved me no matter how I acted or what kind of mood I was in. Now that's true love if you ask me. We're hoping to get another dog sometime this year. I think Trevor and I are both almost ready. We're not ready for another dog to take Maggie's place, that's absolutely impossible. But we are ready for the love and compassion a dog brings and a playmate for Tanner =) Read the's a great story.

Our angel dog, Maggie :)
A Dog's Purpose?

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa , and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and ...they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker 's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.
Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ''I know why.''

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

He said,''People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?'' The Six-year-old continued,

''Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.''

Live simply.

Love generously.

Care deeply.

Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. So, love the people who treat you right. Think good thoughts for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of LIFE...Getting back up is LIVING...

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday! Be happy that you're living your life and make the best of it! Until next time...


Monday, January 28, 2013


Each night we have the same routine. {Routines keep me sane and I love them.} We give Tanner a bath, give him his milk, let him watch a few cartoons to wind down, brush our teeth and put on the night time diaper. All we normally have to say is go get Mr. Bear, it’s time to go night-night and he’ll run and find the bear, kiss his daddy good night and up the stairs him and I go. I sometimes hold his hand and other times he holds the rails and does it all by himself. When we finally reach his room, he runs to the recliner in his room, jumps up in it and we rock. This is the most precious time ever for me. While we rock we say his prayers and then I sing a few songs (I would never want myself to sing to me…poor Tanner). He normally falls asleep in my arms, but quickly wakes up when I stand up and he grabs a hold of my neck. He doesn’t want to leave his momma’s arms…that’ll make you feel like a million bucks. I lay him down and he immediately cries. Being the tough momma (not really) that I am, I shut his door and walk away. When I turn the monitor on I see him sitting there crying while holding Mr. Bear. {Our monitor has a screen where you can watch and talk to him} All I have to do each and every night, and sometimes during naptime, is ‘shhhh’ him on the monitor. My family thinks I’m crazy, but it works. All he needs is to hear his mom or dads voice gently shhh’ing him to sleep and he lays down and goes right to sleep. We’ve done this since he was a little baby and it always works. I don’t think the trick is in our shhh’ing or technique, but the reassurance of him hearing our voices over that monitor and he knows everything’s okay.

That led me to think the other night after I did that about how much he really needs me. I am needed by a lot of people. By my husband, my parents, my siblings, my friends, my many jobs, but the most important is that I’m needed by my son. That is how special being a mom really is.

He needs …
My comforting touch and caring arms
Momma’s love
Me to do the Umizoomi shake with him every time it’s on
Nutritious breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks prepared by me daily
To see his parents love each other
Mom to rock him, even though he’s not a wee little baby anymore
Me to play with him and help him put puzzles together
For me to teach him about new things and explore what the world has to offer
Discipline from each of his parents
For his tears to be wiped away and boo boo’s to be kissed
A partner for the hot dog dance…who better than mom?!
My attention to be focused on him
For us to teach him about Jesus and take him to church on a regular basis
To hear ‘I love you’ a million times a day…and that’s just what we do!

Today at lunch. It was a dirty hot mess, but he enjoyed it =)
I know there are a lot of other things he needs, those are just a few. But as I write those down, I’m in awe of how much this little, almost 22 month old needs me. I always knew when I had a child I would be needed in a different light, but definitely not in this capacity. He needs me on all different levels…emotional, physical, and spiritual. The one thing that I know I will never fail at giving him is my love. He is most certainly my sunshine on a cloudy day. 

I hope you all had a great weekend! Ours was low-key and I enjoyed every second of it. Trevor decided that we’d all go to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon, instead of me going by myself. We were already out, so no need for me to go back out. I think he got a glimpse of why I go by myself now. He entertained Tanner by vroom vroom’ing in the buggy, going down the aisles fast and even a nice shoulder ride after he almost jumped out of the buggy. What can you do besides laugh? It was pretty funny {and fun for me to watch while I easily shopped}.

I wasn't even lying about the shoulder ride. In the freezer section of Bi-Lo. Nice. 
Enjoy the rest of your Monday! And if you’re a mom (or dad) take a moment to reflect on how much your child(ren) need you. It will make your day 10x better. Until next time…


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Yummy goodness...

Happy Thursday ya'll! I've been trying some new recipes here lately. I've never really loved to cook, but since we've moved I like it more. I'm not sure if it's because we have a bigger kitchen and I feel more organized or because I've discovered Pinterest. I'm guessing it's the latter =) You can find some really easy and really good stuff on there. Either way, my husband is glad I'm in the kitchen more. He's been complimenting me a lot and that just makes me wanna keep cooking!

I found this delish recipe for a pizza sandwich (found here). As we were eating I asked the hubs how it was (thinking he would be like it's amazing) and he said well it's like a grilled cheese with some extra stuff. Whatever. It was amazing. And super easy to make. Although, he's right. It was an upscale grilled cheese, but something totally different that I would have never thought to make.

Just a few ingredients needed...
- Bread (buttered on one side for each slice), pepperonis, basil/italian seasoning, grated parmesan and 
mozzarella cheese
Add your mozzarella  then seasoning and parmesan and put your pepperonis and top (note to self...I'll add even more next time) 
Put another slice of mozzarella on top and add your other piece of buttered bread. Flip over when the first side is nice and toasty and then get the other side toasted. 
Wahhh - laaaa! A nice yummy sandwich all thanks to Pinterest!
Now for a tasty dessert that's easy peasy. I went to a fun girls game night this past Saturday and wanted to take something sweet. All of the girls loved it and I did too! I took my ingredients with me and baked it there because I thought it'd taste better right out of the oven. And trust was. perfect. I didn't take pics of it in the process, just the end result because I was having wayyyy too much fun playing Catch Phrase =) But feel free to look up this simple recipe here. You only need 4 ingredients and about 12 minutes to bake it.

(Sorry for the crooked picture..I can't figure this thing out)
Try it. You'll feel like you've just made the real thing out by a camp fire after you put this yummy goodness in your mouth!

Let me know if you try either of these and how they turn out for you! I'm going to make the smores again asap. Like maybe tomorrow. Can't wait to share the craftiness I've been up to lately! I'm slowly but surely hanging things and getting more organized. 

It's almost the weekend...woop woop!! Enjoy your day! I'm off to embroider while my wild monkey is napping away. Until next time...


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More birthday fun!

I had an abolsutely wonderful and amazing birthday!! Thank you all again for the happy birthday wishes! Turning 29 wasn't so bad =) I celebrated this weekend with some of my sweet friends at Larkin's on the River. The food was delish and the company was perfect.

My childhood best friend! We have shared many birthday's together
and I can't wait to share 29 more!
Some of my fabulous friends I have in my life!
Ahhhmazing. I'm hungry just looking at this pic again.
She first became my neighbor, but then became my best friend. Love her to pieces.
My love. My sweet hubby.
Love her!!
Fun times with this sweet chic!

I enjoyed the rest of the weekend hanging out with my family. Now that we're settled in our new house/town and have found a church we really love, we've seemed to get our Sunday funday family day back in action. We go to church, grab lunch, let Tanner take a nap and then spend just good ole quality time with each other the rest of the afternoon. May sound boring to some, but this momma LOVES it!
Sunday lunch after church...
He actually does really good at this restaurant. Why you ask?
Because it's a buffet...see below paragraph =)
He likes to wear these shoes that flop on his feet when he walks.
Thankfully he didn't mind changing them for church. This pic makes me smile.
Last night Trevor, Tanner and I went out to eat for my birthday. Lets just say we should have ordered take out like we normally do. Remember that I have an almost 2 year old? Yeah, well he doesn't love restaurants unless it's a buffet so he can eat right when we get there. We're still working on that. Nonetheless, I enjoyed dinner with my wild child and hubs! The chocolate cheesecake Trevor brought home for me made up for the craziness we dealt with on our adventure out to eat.

Tanner and I had a lunch date today with my Granny, aunt and cousin. I was prepared after last nights fiasco. And I mean more prepared than normal. We went to a German restaurant and I knew that there wasn't anything he'd eat. I packed a pb&j (because it takes him forever to eat it) and his favorite fruit thingy. And lots of snacks and toys. He did amazing for the first 40 minutes. After all of the food was gone and he had played enough, he was over it and ready to go. I was proud though. Most children his age don't care for high chairs for an hour, much less 30 minutes. So it was a score for this momma and I enjoyed every bite of my delicious lunch and time with my family!

When I said playing in the paragraph above, I meant he actually played with my aunts mints out of her purse. And then went and hid behind that table in the back with his truck. Thankfully I kept him contained until other customers came in. Then it was time to go to the car...asap.
Hope ya'll are enjoying your Tuesday! I'll have some yummy recipes to share soon! I'm off to work on another small crafty project while my child is out like a light. Until next time...


Monday, January 21, 2013


One more year till 30 hits…wow! 29 years ago today my wonderful mom gave birth to me {thanks momma}! As I reflect on the past 29 years, there are many happy, emotional, sad, thankful and blessed moments that I’ve experienced in my life. I just want to take a moment to remember some of those sweet moments…

-         Giving my life to Jesus…I am a sinner saved by grace.
-         Walking down the isle in my hometown church 7 years ago and saying ‘I do’ to the man of my dreams.
-         Giving birth to my precious baby boy almost 2 years ago. This memory tops the charts. Being a mom is the most amazing gift I’ve ever received.
-         Saying goodbye to my daddy after a long battle with cancer. One of the hardest times of my life, but it made an almost 16 year old way stronger than she could have ever imagined. If you still have your dad, hug him tight.
-         Buying our first house as a married couple and purchasing our second beautiful home this past September.
-         Graduating from college…most proud, stressful, encouraging and hardest time of my life.
-         Working at a company with the best co-workers ever for 8 great years. I made the best friends there and am thankful for the many things I learned while I had an official day job.
-         Thankful that my job now is taking care of Tanner. Never in a million years did I think I’d be so blessed to stay at home with him. Trusting God and praying…it works people!
-         Having my mom as my best friend…she’s one in a million.
-         Family – I have some of the most amazing family members. I’m blessed in this department.
-         Summers going to the lake with my Mama and Papa when I was younger. My bffeih, Elizabeth, would come with us and we would spend all summer together. Kinda wish I was young again and could do it all over again.
-         Taking home our sweet fur baby 6 years ago. I never knew the love a dog could bring to your life until we rescued Maggie. She was quickly taken from us 8 months ago and I still miss and think about her every day. Losing her was one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through. I truly believe I’ll see her again one day though and that will be such a sweet day.
-         The birth of my baby brother 15 years ago. He makes me smile.
-         Friends – it’s not about quantity, but quality. I have some pretty amazing people that I call friends in my life. So thankful.
-         Getting to enjoy my favorite hobby ~ embroidering!
-         Receiving a call a little over a year ago that my Papa had passed away unexpectedly. One of the saddest days of my life. He told me all of the time that he was ready to go whenever the good Lord called him home. What an inspiration and blessing he was in my life.
-         Holidays spent with my family and friends. I have the best childhood memories with my mom, dad and brother at Christmas time and Easter. Memories that I’ll treasure forever.
-         Many countless fights I’ve had with my older brother growing up. After many years, I’ve finally realized he’s one amazing man and daddy to his girls. I am proud to call him my brother.
-         Moving to Georgia when I was in the 3rd grade. I was scared to death to make new friends and move to a different state. Thankful that I still call a lot of those GA peeps my friends/family.
-         Moving back home to SC my 10th grade year of high school. That was scarier than moving to GA. I reconnected with a lot of old friends and made new ones. High school is so awkward, but it was a fun ride. Definitely wouldn’t want to go back lol =)
-         Opening Cotton Blossom Boutique with my best friend, Casey. I have so many amazing memories with her and this one tops the list!
-         Yearly vacations with my family…one tradition that I never want to miss.
-         Growing up in church, Sunday lunch at my Mama’s, church camp, revival, Wednesday night services, VBS. Thankful that I grew up learning about the Lord and what it means to be a servant for Him.

Those are just a few of the memories I have over my 29 years of living. While some may be sad and others are happy, they all have meaning in my life and have helped to mold me into the woman I am today. I am in the happiest place ever. I love my family, my friends, my drama free life, my job, my home, and most importantly my God. If you want to see just how blessed you are, write it down and reflect. It’s good for the soul. As 30 approaches in another short year, I say bring it on! I’m ready! Cheers to 29 and counting!

Me & Elizabeth...bring on the boa and glasses! 29th birthday celebration at its finest!

My birthday has been wonderful so far! I received a sweet kiss and 'happy birthday' from my hubby as he was leaving super early for work this morning. Tanner gave me a hug and a nice slap in the face because he was so excited that it was my birthday. My momma called me shortly after I woke up to give me her wishes. I then received a call from Casey and her two sweet angels, who sang happy birthday May May Magan to me. I got to see my in-laws who gave me a sweet gift and wished me happy birthday. And then my amazing little brother called (he's on his way home from a youth retreat) and the whole youth group sang to me. What could be better?! I feel so loved, not by gifts but by calls, texts, Facebook messages and just plain love that others display to me. Thank ya'll so much!!!

I'll update on the amazing weekend I had tomorrow! I'm off to enjoy my birthday by being absolutely lazy until the wild man wakes up from his nap! Hope ya'll have a great Monday! Until next time...


Friday, January 18, 2013

Crafty day...

It’s Friday and the sun is shining. Sooo happy! With all of the rain and not being able to go outside, I decided to quite being lazy and start on some of my craft projects the other day. Another sooo happy moment!

We bought a new home in September and I wanted to decorate this one totally different from our last house. I wanted to make it homier and I wanted to create some of my own decorations, instead of buying them all. I’m not sure when this crafty bone decided to poke through…maybe since I’ve become obsessed with Pinterest?! Who knows. I’m in love with the antique white distressed stuff, burlap, anything shabby chic and old stuff that can be repainted and made cute. It takes me a while to actually finish these projects with a little one and a million other things going on, but I’d like to share whatever I finish with ya’ll so you can get some ideas for your own rainy craft day =)

I found these great canvases at our local Hobby Lobby on sale. The small ones are 11x14 and the larger one is a 16x20. They had them in packs of 2 for $7.99 and $9.99 (I think), so I grabbed them up. You can do so much with blank canvases…it’s crazy! I needed something cute for my dining room that’s done in yellow and grey. I decided to make the small ones identical because they’ll be hanging next to each other. I covered them with this pretty grey fabric I found at I was originally going to make napkins out of them, but didn’t buy enough and I didn’t want to re-order more.

What you'll need...blank canvases, fabric, scissors and spray adhesive.
This brand/type works wonderfully...found at Hobby Lobby
Cut and measure your material according to your canvas size .
Leave about 2 inches to wrap all the way around.
Spray the front of canvas first and smooth material over with your hand.
I spray half first and then turn it and do the other half next.
Spray your long sides first and adhere to canvas. Tuck your small sides in and then
adhere the rest of your short sides.
The husband says no more monogram or initial stuff. He said one piece in each room is plenty. He knows that our last name starts with a ‘B’ so there’s no need to display it everywhere. Lol – men, they just don’t get it =) I already had a ‘B’ piece in my dining room, so I thought I’d just cover the grey canvases with some burlap and a bow to coordinate with the piece I made a few pics below. I thought they turned out pretty cute. We’ll see how it looks when it’s all on the wall together.

The completed canvases with fabric. You could leave them just like
 this and it'd be cute in any room.
My canvases with burlap and bow.
This next idea came from Pinterest (seen here)…who would’ve thought?! Not that I look on there or anything. I found this great old frame (you know you can find just about anything at your local thrift store…amazing I tell you) and decided to paint it. I originally went with an antique white, but when I found the perfect spot for it, I went back over it lightly with grey to match the dining room. The wooden B was found at Hobby Lobby for maybe $2. I painted it an off white color. Side note ~ go to your local paint store (I went to Sherwin Williams) and buy a sample in whatever color you want, which cost me $5. That small thing goes a long way…trust me. I used my trusty glue gun to attach the burlap fabric (also found at Hobby Lobby) and the B. And ta-da… a cute piece made for less than $10.

Old gold frame...beautiful, huh?! 
I made this before starting my blog, so I don't have pictures of step by step process. Sorry :)
Finished frame with wooden B.
Up close of wooden B painted. 
The 16x20 chevron canvas is not complete yet. I’ll post pics of it, along with everything hung once I finish it up. Who knows when that will be? Hopefully soon, maybe.

I hope ya'll have a great weekend! We have lots of fun things in store for ours! Until next time...


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

cleaning up the crumbs...

Oh happy Wednesday! You are so dreary and yucky. So what’s better on a day like this than cleaning?! Shopping would be wonderful, but ya’ll remember my Wal-Mart story, right?! =)

My house gets so dirty so quickly here lately. Mainly it’s the crumbs and spilled milk, literally. And the many hardwoods we have in this new house.I feel like I’m always cleaning. I recently bought an amazing little gadget that helps keep my floors clean and helps me keep my sanity. My wonderful sister-in-law told me about it after we moved into our new house and I complained to her about keeping my floors clean. Thank you Cates :))

Finally clean and crumb free :)
This little beauty was only $20 at Wal-Mart and let me just tell you…I love vacuuming my floors!! It’s small, light-weight, has this crazy super suction on it and helps me clean over my floors in no time. If you have a pet and hardwoods/laminate, I promise you’ll love this. It’ll suck up anything that’s on your floor (nothing huge, but you get the gist). It cleans up all of Tanner’s crumbs and gets under the couches and chairs so easily. I even use it on my tile bathroom floors. I hardly ever use my broom anymore. It’s amazing.

See how small it is?! Ahhhmazing!
This part easily removes so you can empty the junk out.
I had to share because it seriously makes life that much more simple. It irks me to go to bed with a messy house. So when I see nastiness all over the floor, I run this and it’s gone. I should do it every other night, but I don’t have the energy lol!

The mopping part is still under investigation. If you have any tips, like easy ones that don’t require too much work, let me know. Right now I use an old rag with water on it to get the spilled milk, juice etc. up and then mop once a week (or two). I need something quick and easy, easy being the keyword. And if you go buy one of these sweet Bissell 3-in-1 vac's, let me know how you like it!

Growing up I was such a hot mess when it came to keeping things clean. I guess most youngsters and teenagers are that way though. When we bought our first house, things changed drastically. It gets even worse as I get older. So any tips or organizational insights that I use, I will gladly post and pass along. It’s the simple things that make me so happy…like the Bissell =)

Enjoy the rest of your day! Only two more days till the weekend! I’m off to finish cleaning while my sweet boy is napping away. Until next time…


Monday, January 14, 2013


Happy Monday! So we had our first experience with the dentist this morning. I was a tad bit nervous to go and wasn’t sure what to expect. My sweet boy exceeded my expectations! He did amazing…well almost. He didn’t really love when she cleaned his teeth and wasn’t super excited when the dentist used her little mirror to look in his mouth. But really, who is happy about that?! All in all, it was a really good visit. He has nice pearly whites and we’re doing all of the things we should be doing. We have our last set of molars to come in and then we’re home free with teething. YAYYYY!! That will be a glorious day for this momma!

Our weekend was absolutely wonderful! We celebrated my best friend’s birthday Friday night. I just LOVE spending time with her and her hubby. She is the sister I never had and any time I’m with her it’s just simply amazing. Seriously.

My two sweet nieces were in town and Tanner got to spend all day Saturday with them. They only get to see each other once every few months so when they’re together, they take full advantage of their quality time. I love their itty bitty faces so darn much. It’s so hard having family that lives out of town, but it really makes the time you get to spend with them even more special.

Trevor, Tanner and I went to church yesterday. Since we’ve moved to a different town we’ve been visiting churches, well actually we have only visited one so far and love it. This Sunday’s sermon was about how to make change happen. Wow. That’s just what I needed to here. I had a few goals set for 2013 and I am more than determined to achieve every one of those goals now! Change can be a good thing...with the Lord on my side and with His direction, I'll be good to go.

I love pretty warm weather. Well I don’t love it in January because I want it to snow, but I did love it yesterday. Tanner had a blast playing outside and we had a nice lil walk around the subdivision and chatted with our sweet neighbors. Family time with my two boys warms my heart. It takes me back to my childhood when my mom and dad would play outside with me and my brother. I want Tanner to have all of those same memories and experiences with Trevor and I.

As I was getting my curly haired cutie ready for bed, putting on his lotion and pj’s I just stopped and realized…I’m a mom. I remember being little not so long ago. I’m a year away from turning 30 and gosh, all of these mixed emotions flooded through me for a brief second. It seems like just the other day my mom was taking me to have my Glamour Shots made. Or just the other day my dad was making me go outside to practice my jumps for cheerleading when I was in middle school. Or just the other day I was in high school being a wild and crazy teenager. Time flies, no joke. My life is just how I always pictured it to be like when I got “old” one day. Now I realize I’m not old at all…I just really don’t get which section I need to shop in when I go to Belks lol. Anywho. That second while getting him ready for bed made me realize how precious time really is. How every second I just want to love on my lil baby…once I blink he’ll be starting school. I want to embrace and cherish each moment I have with my family and baby boy.

And with that said, I tucked my sweet boy into bed, said his prayers and headed downstairs to enjoy the rest of my already perfect day. Nothing’s better than really buttery popcorn, peanut m&m’s and Parenthood on DVR. And now it’s back to Monday =)

Hope ya'll had a great weekend! Before we know it the weekend will be here again. So before it gets here, be sure to enjoy the time you have each second of every day with those that you love most. This momma's gotta go fix lunch. Until next time...
