Friday, February 22, 2013

Gettin' it together!

Hey all! So my friends think I'm a little crazy with my organization problem and how peculiar I am about my routines. I've been a routine kinda person for a longggggg time and it got even worse once Tanner came along. BUT it makes me happy and each day starts out better when you have it together. So, I thought I'd pass along a few of my crazy organization/routine obsessions. If it helps me, it may help one of ya'll! Enjoy and don't judge lol.

1.  Lay things out the night before. I'm not a morning person so this is a must. I pack Tanner's diaper bag, have his water ready in the fridge and lay his clothes and diaper/wipes out. If he has school the next day, I lay everything out that I need to pack for his lunch. 

May be a little crazy, but it helps. Everything I need is there, so in the morning it's a breeze to pack his lunch and we make it to school on time. Hoorah!
2.  Make up your bed before it's time to go to sleep. This drives Trevor crazy and he thinks it's pointless. Me...well, I love it! I may do it first thing or if I don't have time then I do it when I get home. Try it. It'll make you feel a little more put together. 

3.  Pick a day to do your child(rens) grooming =) I cut Tanner's nails every Wednesday and make sure his ears are nice and clean that day too {I do it other days, but that's the day that we really focus on it}. It gives me a set day so I don't forget and he doesn't go to school the next day scratching kiddos. 

4.  Decide what's for breakfast the night before. This doesn't really apply to me because I eat the same thing almost every day, but when I lay down at night that's one of the things I think about for Tanner. That way when I get up in the morning I'm not scrambling around the kitchen. I know exactly what he's having and it's ready in 5 minutes or so.

5.  Straighten up every night. Our living room is mainly our playroom. We don't go upstairs that often and the majority of Tanner's toys are downstairs. Therefore, our living and bedroom looks like a tornado every night. Tanner helps most nights and then I finish it up with the big toys. This makes watching TV after he goes to bed much more relaxing. I don't have to stare at stuff all on the floor. And it's clean in the morning too...even better!

6.  Get the dishes out of the sink before you go to bed. Since I've gotten married, I've always loved this one. Trevor hates it so he deliberately leaves his cups in the sink before he goes to bed. Lazy man...all he has to do is put it in the dishwasher. Get it together hunny =) This helps keep the dishes from piling up, especially after breakfast each morning. 

7.  Get yourself prepared for the next day. When I used to work every day I would lay my makeup out on the counter, lay my outfit out for the next day (go ahead and iron it the night before too), put my cup by my purse and stick my cereal bar in my purse. Sounds like a lot of work and kinda crazy huh?! It takes all of 5-10 minutes and wayyyyy less work the next morning. I still do this if I know I have to get ready the next day. 

8. Have a routine for your child(ren). We do the same thing every night with Tanner. Eat dinner, play, bath time, drink milk/have a snack, wind down and watch cartoons or play, brush our teeth, change diaper, clean up and head to bed. This helps us so much. Tanner always knows what comes next and bed time is never an issue. Knock on wood. =)

9.  Make out your grocery list and pick a day to go. My day to go to the grocery store is Sunday's while Tanner naps after church. It works well for us and I like sticking to this routine. I plan out my meals for the week and know exactly what I need. That way I'm not running to the store a million times during the week. It also helps us save money because if I go to the store during the week, I not only buy what I need but I also gander and buy useless stuff. Yes, I'm a woman and sometimes I just want to spend money on nonsense. 

10.  Be prepared for your upcoming week. Keep an agenda or use the calendar in your phone (that's what I do) or make a little dry erase board for your kitchen. Whatever works for you. Just write it down and keep up with it. It helps to know everything you have going on for the week, that way you can be prepared for meals, etc. 

I made this dry erase board for my bff to hang in her kitchen. I gave her the gift of organization for Christmas lol! She said she loves it and it really helps keep her on track and motivated for the week!
Short and sweet, but these things really help me out a lot. Some sound crazy and over the top, but try it!! You may find one that works and helps you out. Being organized and having a routine really do make a world of difference and make for a happy home. 

Hope ya'll have a great Friday and an even better weekend! We have a busy, but fun weekend ahead. I'm looking forward to spending some time with my sweet nieces who will be in town this weekend! But for now, I'm off to organize. Ha totally kidding. I'm going to do absolutely nothing while my sweet boy is asleep. Until next time...

Sleepy head! Love this sweet face!


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