Two years ago today…just thinking about that day makes me so
emotional. I had prayed for God to bless us with a child if that be His will.
And He did. On April 1, 2011 my precious son, Tanner Benjamin, was
brought into this world at 8:32 am. I had to have a c-section because I had
preeclampsia and he was breech. Our doctor told us they would take him at 37
weeks, which fell on April 1. Trevor asked if they could deliver him the day
before or after, he wasn’t feeling the whole April Fools birthday thing {he’s a
little strange lol}. They quickly told him no, he would be born on April 1. He
lives up to every bit of being an April Fools baby.
Tanner's baking :) |
He's HERE!! |
Our 6 week old sweet baby! |
The moment he was born there was a rush of emotions and I
couldn’t believe he was actually here. My 6 lb. 8 oz. little baby was here! The
first year with him was absolutely amazing. All of his strides were so
important to us...rolling over, holding his head up, taking his first steps,
talking, laughing and the list could go on. He turned one and broke my heart.
He was no longer a little baby. He was a walking/running wild little boy who
loved to talk all of the time.
Tanner is 6 months old! |
Sitting up like a big boy :) |
Tanner is 1! |
The past year has been such a blessing. He has grown into a
little toddler. His blonde curls have grown and he’s no longer bald on the top.
He has almost all of his teeth now. He has humongous feet and long lil legs. He
can run super fast and likes to waller all over his momma. He’s such a good
eater…he loves baked beans and bread and anything else you give him. He loves
his family and they love him. He loves to pick out his own pajamas. He cleans
up his toys and is always willing to help with chores. He loves bath time. He
loves his Mr. Bear. He is strong willed and hard headed. He loves animals of
any kind. He loves going to school. He loves to smile and it can brighten up a
room. He can pitch a fit like it’s nobody’s business. He can make any bad day
100x better. He is amazing. Simply an amazing gift from God.
18 months old as Mickey :) |
And the curls are everywhere! |
And he's 2!! Enjoying his day doing what he loves...visiting with lots of animals :) |
Tanner Benjamin, I love you with all of my big ole heart.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. I love every minute I get to spend with
you. Whether it’s fun times or times when I have to discipline you, I cherish
those times because it means that I’m your mom.. What an amazing job God gave
me. I pray daily that you will grow up to be a strong young man who loves the
Lord. I pray daily that your dad and I will teach you about Him and raise you
according to His word. The past two years you have brought so much joy to our
lives…thank you for that. Thank you for loving me when I don’t always feel like
loving myself. You have my heart forever and ever. I am so proud of you and all
that you have accomplished this far in your little life. While I don’t want you
to grow up, I love watching you grow. I wish you could stay my baby forever
{and you will}, but on the other hand I can’t wait to see the man you grow up
to be. We are so in love with you. Happy 2nd birthday to the boy who
stole my heart in a big way!
Our precious 2 year old!
Trevor took the day off today, so we decided to take Tanner to Hollywild....a fun place with lots of animals! We enjoyed a safari ride, fed the goats, walked around and talked to all of the animals and then we had lunch at a yummy pizza place where we used to live! It's crazy to think that two years have already passed. I've loved every minute! I hope you all have a great Monday! I'm off to do some work while my big boy naps away! Until next time...
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