So obviously I left my blog under the big to-do pile on my desk. Thankfully I don't HAVE to post, it's just something that I enjoy doing! So that leaves me with about 2 weeks worth of events that I can't leave out, for my sake at least =) A few things that have kept me absolutely busy these past few weeks:
1. A 2 year old with a cast
2. A 2 year old that had his cast removed and then had a horrible cough along with a severe ear infection
3. Embroidering like crazy, creating invoices, getting items ready to ship and did I say embroidering? :)
4. House work...lots and lots of it
5. Yard work
6. Throwing a birthday party at our house, making sweets for a shower and fun holidays
7. Last but not least, family time
Lets get back #1 on the list...Tanner is CAST FREE!! Hallelujah!! That was the longest 4 weeks for all of us. Bath times were torturous and carrying that big child and his cast up the stairs got old quick. Tanner man is back to normal and crazier than ever! To celebrate after his appointment we had a yummy lunch and he got to pick out a huge cookie, which he demolished in a lie. He had the longest bubble bath ever that night and the next day he spent it with his cousins that were here from GA. It was a time to remember, but one that I'd never like to revisit again.
The cast is the biggest news that has happened in our lives here lately. But we've also had some other fun times the last few weeks....
Tanner went to his cousins cow birthday party! As you can tell, it was FUN!! |
We started prepping for the pool, so once the cast came off we could go swimming!! Sadly, right after he got the ear infection. Boooo :(( |
Liz threw the.most.amazing baby shower EVER for her sister. I plan to do a whole post just on her decorating skills. |
We had lunch with Mimi! We always have fun with her! |
We had Trevor's grandparents over for dinner. His grandma taught me how to make homemade chicken and dumplings and biscuits a while back so I made it for them at our house...they were both impressed by the turn out :) We cherish time with our sweet grandparents...and Tanner just loves them!
My brother and nieces came here Memorial Day weekend from GA. We threw my oldest niece and brother a birthday party...they were born on the same day =) Tanner was over the moon excited to see his sweet cousins!! He had a blast and is still talking about them! |
These three just had a blast together!! |
My sweet niece trying to get that candy out :) |
Tanner and his cousin...they are a mess together :)) |
Random night a few weeks ago...Tanner modeling a floppy hat I had just monogrammed. Just darlin :)) |
Memorial day at his best buds house! |
These are our amazing friends and old neighbors. Since we used to live 2 doors down from each other, we would spend every summer holiday together. We went to their house this Memorial Day for some delish food, amazing (way past due) girl chatting, and fun time at the park! |
Playing at the park! These two are crazy, wild, fun lil boys who are best buds! |
One of the best friends a girl could ask for! I just love her to pieces!
Daddy duty at its finest :)) |
We enjoyed some backyard fun and sunshine last week! |
He loves his water table! He loves it so much that he climbed up on it, sat in the water and went #2 in his swim diaper. Talk about fun times and lots of sanitizing. I know that's super nasty, but it's reality. Reality of the life of a mom =)
So that's why I've been missing from my blog lately. After looking back through these pics, I'm blessed by all of the fun times we've had just over the last two weeks! Where would we be without family, friends and good food? And sunshine too :) I am sooo in love with summer! Tanner is out of school for a few weeks before he goes for a summer camp/mothers day out program. Once this infection clears up we're seriously going to the pool! And we're heading to the lake this weekend. I'm sooo excited to take him and just watch how much fun he's gonna have! Have I mentioned that being a mom is the best?! I just love to see him try new things and develop into a little man!
That was a whole lot of stuff thrown into one post. My apologies lol! I've seriously missed writing and hope to never go that long again. But then again, with summer being here I want to just be a lazy, water, tanning, eating fool. Hope ya'll are enjoying your summer so far! Hopefully I'll post again soon, so until next time...
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